Earth Saving Tips

Welcome to our Tips for Saving the Earth page. • We put the tips into five different categories: Air, Water, Land, Home and Wildlife. Feel free to use these tips to help you make your pledge. Or, if you have your own idea, please share it with us and the rest of the Earth Saver's Club for Kids.

Remember: Some tips may be unique to a culture or a geography, send us your ideas for tips that make sense for your family, friends, community and country! We will organize tips by geography too!

Plant a tree, preferably a tree native to your environment.

Video Tips

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Tips for clean air

Eat REAL FOOD- no more processed junk/ snack foods! It is better for your body and can be better for our Earth too!
17jkemp, United States

Don't waste food, transporting food from the field to the processing plant to the grocery store to your house takes a lot of energy and creates a lot of carbon emissions.
kholland, United States

Ask your parents to turn off the car while waiting in line to pick you up,10% of all gas is wasted idling, after only 10 seconds you use less gas turning the ignition off.
kholland, United States

Eat locally grown food.
pholland, United States

Don't burn trash.
pholland, United States

Try to drive less to save gas and reduce pollution.
pholland, United States

Ride your bike to school, sports or work (for your mom and dad).
pholland, United States

Use an electric car
dholland, United States

Walk to school.
dholland, United States

Tips for the home

if it's not raining, air-dry all of your clothes. That will save lots of energy that you are not using in the dryer
Rhianna Bostian, United States

Help your parents buy things made out of recycled material by teaching them to read labels.
kholland, United States

Help your parents stop junk mail by writing a letter (see template in the projects section)
kholland, United States

Help remind your parents to bring cloth bags to the market.
kholland, United States

Change an incandescent light bulbs to a CFLs (Compact florescent light bulb) or LEDs.
kholland, United States

Instead of birthday gifts ask your friends to donate to a non-profit organization that is helping to save the earth. (Check out ESC4K EarthLinks for some organizations where friends and family can donate.)
kholland, United States

Plug your electronics into an energy saving power strip that automatically shuts off electronics.
kholland, United States

Don't waste food, it takes a lot of energy to make food.
pholland, United States

Turn off the light when you leave the room.
dholland, United States

Watch less TV and use the computer less often.
dholland, United States

Tips for the land

I help earth by making a club and we do somthing diffrent everyday like clean a lake or clean our school so i make the land clean and the wildlife
ashley, United States

Pick up your trash, better yet pick up any trash you see.
kholland, United States

Don't cut down trees.
pholland, United States

Don't make forest fires.
pholland, United States

Turn off the TV and computer overnight.
dholland, United States

Pick up your trash, better yet pick up any trash you see.
dholland, United States

Plant a tree, preferably a tree native to your environment.
dholland, United States

Tips for clean water

Turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth.
TRECclub, United States

eunice_cool, Germany

do laundry only once a week. The loads will be full and that will save TONS of water.
Rhianna Bostian, United States

If your clothes or pajamas are not dirty then put them on a hook and wear them again so that you do not wash clean clothes.
kholland, United States

When you run the shower to heat the water catch the water in a bucket and use it to water plants.
kholland, United States

Don't drink bottled water unless you have to!
pholland, United States

Don't spill oil, paint or cleaning supplies down the drain.
pholland, United States

Don't leave the water running while brushing your teeth.
pholland, United States

Give your mom and dad a low flow shower head for their birthday.
dholland, United States

Don't throw trash in the ocean.
dholland, United States

Tips for the wildlife

Hey I'm Devon one of the three founders of ESC4K! My tip is never throw trash in the ocean because it could wrap around an animal or an animal can eat it and get it stuck in it's throat! Keep saving the earth everyone!!
Devon, United States

Learn more about a certain kind of species by reading a book or article about them. Show that you care by sharing what you've learned with others. It can inspire other people to help save wildlife. Also here is another cool way to help wildlife:
17jkemp, United States

Write a letter to your government representative about saving an endangered species or another environmental topic you care about.
kholland, United States

Hold on to your balloons. Balloons often end up in the ocean and get swallowed by marine animals that cannot digest them. Please pop your balloons when you are finished and throw them in the trash.
dholland, United States

Cut up plastic holders (six-pack rings, plastic tops to baby wipes, etc.) so wildlife can't get trapped in them.
dholland, United States

Don't capture bugs, lizards, worms, or insects or they will die. Please catch and release them.
dholland, United States

When you are hiking remember The Hiker's Creed: take only photographs, leave only footprints.
pholland, United States

Don't feed wildlife they need to learn to feed themselves.
pholland, United States

Reduce, reuse, recycle.
pholland, United States

Put bells on your cat's collar to let birds know that a cat is near.
rivercoyote, United States

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